traditions and culture of the people of the sea


This industry was founded at the beginning of the 20th century, to build boats with wooden hulls exclusively. In 1910 it became the property of D. Domingo González Oca, National Shipbuilder, with title 221.

After performing the necessary procedures, on 26-10-1949, the Inspección General de Buques y Construcción Naval de la Marina Mercante enables him to build wooden ships of up to 400 T.R.B., and with an annual maximum of 800 T.R.B.

On 03-12-1969, the Dirección Direction de Industrias Siderometalúrgicas y Navales authorizes the change of title of this industry on behalf of D. Domingo Lago Martínez, current manager, who qualifies to build boats with wooden hull of up to 400 GRT, in steel up to 150 T.R.B. and in polyester up to 300 T.R.B.

On 13-04-1976, the Delegación Provincial de A Coruña of the Ministeio de Industria authorized the commissioning and definitive inscription in the Registro Industrial de Ampliación de Actividades with the registration number 15/07179.

Wood and metal


  • Total area: 2,607 m2
  • Water tanks: 12 m3
  • Stands winches: 132 m2
  • Maintenance workshop: 205 m2
  • Workshop of carpentry and aluminium: 832 m2
  • Mechanic and sheet metal forming: 472 m2
  • Warehouse 2-3 and offices: 415 m2
  • Machinery: 32 m2
  • Warehouse 1: 175 m2

Products and services

  • Construction and repair of wooden boats up to 400 T.R.B., steel up to 150 T.R.B
  • Dry dock service up to 400 T.
  • Repair of ships up to 400 T.

Astilleros y Varaderos LAGO-ABEIJÓN

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O Freixo, s/n – 15288 Outes – A Coruña

Telf.: 981- 765 013 | Fax: 981-765 808

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