Estaleiros Abeijón Hermanos

the most complete solution


Estaleiros Abeijón Hermanos, S.L. is a shipyard situated in O Freixo, specialized in ship repair, maintenance and sale of engines, as well as construction of wooden boats for fishing and leisure.

The shipyard services carried out by Astilleros Abeijón Hermanos will allow us to count with quality work and the experience accumulated by our professionals.

Abeijón Hermanos was founded in 1964 as a company basically family. Over time, tracks were installed and expanded the repair of ships of different sizes, also incorporating the services of the shipyard to general repair and the construction of wooden boats.

Nowadays, Abeijón Hermanos has 22 workers and offers shipyard services linked to construction (wooden boats for leisure and fisheries, aquaculture, galleons, “bucetas”, traditional and artisanal fishing…), repair (general repair of steel, wooden and polyester boats), maintenance (full fairing, painting…), engines (sale of engines, repair and installation of propulsion and auxiliary engines), mechanical (hydraulic installations, installation of engines…), etc.

Astilleros Abeijón Hermanos is, without a doubt, the most complete solution to their needs for repair and maintenance of boats, an account with the necessary experience to esure the best services of shipyard.


  • Construction of boats with wooden hulled
  • Reparation and conservation of steel boats
  • stranded cart service
  • Naval mounts
  • Marine engines
  • Hydraulic
  • Sheet metal forming
  • Welding
  • Cleaning of pleasure boats

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O Feixo, s/n – Outes – 15280 A Coruña

Tfno./Fax: 981-765 638 Móbil: 626-993 440

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